Great Hexagonal Hexecontahedron


This model is the dual of a uniform polyhedron: the Great Snub Dodecicosidodecahedron, Wenninger's number 115. At first sight it seems to consist of cubes, which was actually the reason I wanted to build a model of it. If you combine this one with its central inversion you do get a compound of cubes: a compound of 20 cubes, one that is characterised in Verheyen as 20 | A5 x I / C3 x I | μ4. That cube compound in its turn is closely related to the dual of the Great Dirhombicosidodecahedron (Wenninger's number 119).

I decided to build a model of this polyhedron when I got into contact with Don Romano and he showed a picture of the model he built. I started at the end of 2020 and the model was completed in the beginning of 2021. It has a diameter of just under 12 cm (4.7 inches). The colours are divided in such a way that parallel faces have the same colour while faces with the same colour never share an edge. If you only take th faces of one colour then they can be mapped onto each by the 12 rotations of a tetrahedron.

Copyright of picture by PhotoArt Studio Hörby


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