Models with Folded Regular Heptagons
There aren't many polyhedra with regular heptagons. If you want to use them, then you will end up using prisms. I am not such a fan of prism and anti-prism symmetry. Their symmetry is like a 2 dimensional symmetry reflected once along a perpendicular axis. The full 3D dimensional symmetries of the Platonic solids are much more appealing.
Of course you can use the prisms as building blocks to get these full 3D symmetries, as shown here but it isn't very attractive anyway. Since I do find them attractive as polygons, I kept looking for other ways to use regular heptagons in polyhedra, so that I would find ways that would allow me to explore new area and find new polyhedra.
A friend of mine had been looking for polyhedra that consist of folded squares and this idea lead me to explore the area of folded heptagons. It turned out to be a huge unexplored dimension. Their where you can fold a square only over one diagonal (if you choose one base vertex) the heptagon has four diagonals (two different kinds) and their are different ways of combining these to fold the heptagon.
On this page I show some of the polyhedra that are the result of my search. Here is a list of models that only consist of regular heptagons.
Nemesis (or Dodecahedral Trinja Star)